Your contribution helps protect Togus Pond & Stream for generations to come.


Become a Member today!

WLA is a membership organization that depends on annual dues and donations to fund our various projects and events, all with the goal of preserving our waters.

Select a membership option below (ranging from $25-500 per year), and you will automatically be added to our email list to stay informed about current news, events, and ways you can be involved with our lake community and stewardship efforts.

You’ll also have the option to add an additional donation to your annual dues, and members can revisit this link anytime to offer a donation to fund our ongoing projects.

Click here for a membership form if you prefer to pay by check.

Thank you for your generous support!

Pay WLA Dues or Donate

You don’t have to live on the lake to donate to the Togus Pond Restoration Project!

All of us who enjoy Togus Pond do so because of our love of the pond and the natural beauty it provides for the entire community.

The pond needs our help and it is our responsibility to take care of it and the wildlife it supports. Togus Pond is on the Maine Impaired Lakes List and we want to change that! We would like to ask for your support for the Togus Pond Restoration Project.

There are times in life when we need a little help from our friends and Togus Pond could use your help now. We are asking our neighbors, friends and family to pitch in to help us restore the pond with this special Go Fund Me button below.

Your donation to protect Togus Pond will have an immediate impact to improving the quality of the lake which impacts all of the pond and stream. Please consider a contribution, whatever the amount.

If you live on Upper Togus Pond please use this pledge form to make your donation. Thanks!

Want to Volunteer?

We need your help to help keep the lake clean and vibrant.

There is much work to be done with moving forward with the Algae project and the new boat launch.

Thank you for your help.