To all who have pledged to support this important project: THANK YOU. This would not be possible without the generosity of each and every donor.
We strive to provide an accurate list of our donors. If you see an error or omission, please let us know.
Sue Allen and Tom Keller
Ray and Diane Arbour
Betty Avery
In memory of Julian & Louise Beale
Mike and Sandra Billing
Jim and Lisa Bolen
Tim and Lisa Boyle
John and Dawn-Elynn Burke
Jay Brock and Kathleen Campbell
Ann and Jerre Buxton
Will and Rachel Cashman
Donald J. Chimera and Don W. Moody
The Chin Family
In memory of Colt 200-2011 He loved Togus Pond
Sarah Compton and Matthew Schaefer
Paul and Audrey Connolly
John Crowley & Rebecca Cornell Du Houx
Bonnie Cunningham and Tim Wing
Glen and Deb Cunningham
Laurie and Dennis Curtis
Nathan Curtis & Shanna Gagnon Curtis, DMD
Rob Deschamps and Alison Ames
Betty J. and Dana W. Dix
Betsy Doherty
Glenn and Sally Dwyer
Evan Dwyer
Ryan and Jennifer Dwyer
Wendy Eames
Sarah Fagg and Tom Renckens
Fagg/Pinckney/Alexander Family
Richard and Gretchen Fehlau
Nancy Finnegan
Chris and Billie Joe Flynn
Debora Gerard and Mike Webb
Teen Ellen and Bob
Bruce and Daphne Goodrich
Nancy and John Haines
Andrea and Sven Harmsen
Dick and Betty Harvey
Huber/Brazuk Family
Penney Hughes in Memory of Stephen R Hughes
J. Gregory Jolda
Cora Keweshan
Mary-Beth and Rich Kowalczyk
LaDuke Family
Matt and Amy Lawless
Gabor Korthy and Jacqueline LaRochelle
Teddy and Krista Lewellyn
George and Maureen Manekas
The Mann Clan
Maddy and David Maxwell
Dr. Julia McDonald and Hope Rovelto
Margaret McFadden & Suzanne Cusick
Brian and Julie McNab
Ken and Jackie McNeill
Carl and June Merrill
The Family of Douglas and Nina Miller
James and Lori Murphy
Logan Murray & Mary MacDonald Murray
The Nardone Family
Neria and Ravit Nebel
Brian and Kathi Nees
Charles Neureuther and Michael Reed
Steve and Micheal Parker
Dina and Jason Pepi
Mary Lou Pilsbury
Stephen and Susan Plate
Bob and Darcy Poor
The Renckens Family
David and Lois Robeck
John and Sandy Royce
In memory of Kathleen Ryan
Susan and Palmer Sargent
Sharp Family-Living for God’s Glory, LLC
Dean and Debby Smiley
Dawn Stiles and George Campbell
The Stull Family
Peter and Timoth Sylvia
David Towne and Chris Bennington
Richard and Stacy Tufts
Joe and Amanda Tweedie
Dr. Philip Watkins
Patten and Barbara Williams
Wood/ Kelly/ Allen Families
A special thank you to the numerous donors that have given to our “Help From Our Friends” Campaign! These are supporters that live off the lake but love Togus Pond and want to support our efforts to protect it!
We are grateful to the following businesses that have generously supported the Togus Pond Restoration Project by becoming a Business Supporter!
Our Lead Business Partners
Our Community Business Supporters
Tobey, Kempton & Son