WLA Holiday Party - Saturday, December 2, 2023 Viles Arboretum 5:30-8:30 PM
Please join us at our Annual Holiday Gathering. A fun way to celebrate another great year on the pond. The invitation is open to WLA members and everyone on Togus and Lower Togus. WLA will provide three (3) main entrees:
Chicken Marsala; Cavatelli with Broccoli; Pot Roast Tips
Folks are encouraged to bring a side dish or dessert and your own beverage. WLA will provide all utensils, plates, paper products and coffee.
Back by popular demand, The Yankee Swap!
If you wish to participate in the Yankee Swap, please keep your gifts between $10 - $25. Participation is voluntary, not necessary.
Multiple raffles - They are pretty nice so bring cash!
Betty Harvey has donated one of her handmade lap quilts and Dick Harvey has donated 16 of his wood turned ornaments!
We'll also have some door prizes and you must be present to win raffles.
5:30-Social time, 6:00-Dinner, 6:30-Yankee Swap
Please RSVP with headcount so we can prepare enough main entrees for all.
RSVP to Betty Dix at bdix@maine.rr.com no later than Monday, November 27th.
We hope to see you there and encourage your neighbors to come too.
Viles Arboretum, 153 Hospital Street, Augusta