Maine Audubon 2023 Annual Loon Count

Maine Audubon Annual loon count. Taken by Dick and Betty Harvey and Dean and Debby Smiley.

July 15th 2023. 7:00 am to 7:31 am

Counted 7 total adult loons. 1 loon chick.

Weather was slightly overcast.

On the morning of the third Saturday of July each year, more than 1,600 volunteers venture onto lakes and ponds across the state to count loons. The observations recorded by our community scientist volunteers provide an excellent “snapshot” of Maine’s loon population.

For more information on the Annual Loon count


Togus Social - Saturday, August 26 Hayes Road Boat Landing 4-6 PM


Annual WLA Picnic - Saturday, August 5, 2023. Rain Date, Sunday, August 6, 2023