Spring Meeting Updates
By now you are well aware of the health crisis that is spreading across the nation and most recently, our beautiful state of Maine. Before the announcement by the Gov. Mills regarding gatherings of 10 or more, I was deliberating with our Board of Executives as to the best course of action for the scheduled March 28 Meeting. We have decided to postpone the meeting. So.
There will be no live meeting of the WLA on the 28th of March.
On the agenda was an update on the Watershed Plan and the contract we entered into with Jen Jespersen and Ecological Instincts. Next was the old business of the Phosphorous sampling proposed by Doug Miller. Additionally, a discussion of the fishway management plan proposed by Maine Department of Marine Resources with input from WLA and Joe McLean – our fishway engineer. And finally, an update on the membership drive.
A pretty informative meeting, to say the least. Regarding Jen and Ecological Instincts – Sandy Mason, Eric Lind (our council representative – nice call Sandy to have him on the steering committee) – and I met with Jen and Amanda from DEP to get the contract going. Jen is a no-nonsense leader that will be looking at all the ways we potentially have to mitigate the algae in the pond. We were all very pleased with the selection of Ecological Solutions to do the work for us.
So to make up for the meeting on the 28th, we’re going to offer you something better. We will be having a board meeting in early April to discuss the items above. We will do that over ZOOM – a virtual meeting. This will do at least two things and one bonus item:
Give everyone that wants to attend the ability to “dial” in via computer or phone to hear the discussion
Allow us to tape the presentations and
Best of all – post the meeting video and audio on the website so everyone can see it. Who knew? Silver lining.
I believe this will give us better reach and allow more members to be a part of the meeting. So, thank you for your patience, please stay safe and work to protect others.